How to make some pages with tab and some pages without tabs in ionic?

5:37 PM

IF you want some pages with tab and some pages without tab in ionic then

first you've to define the tab state(setup an abstract state for the tabs directive), like :

.state('tab', {
 url : "/tab",
 abstract : true,
 templateUrl : "templates/tabs.html",

after this if you want to define a state with tab then you can write like:

.state('tab.home', {
 url : '/home',
 views : {
  'tab-home' : {
   templateUrl : 'templates/tab-home.html',
   controller : 'homeCtrl',

if you want to define a state without tab then you can write like:

.state('withouttabs', {
 url : '/withouttabs',
 templateUrl : 'templates/withouttabs.html',
 controller : 'withouttabsCtrl',

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